Fungus ladder

Here are more dog pictures (drawings done in the time it takes for a spaniel to get bored), drawn in hard charcoal, some coloured in after, using conte crayon over a dampened surface.

There is not much detail on this one (above) – as a guide I am on a path looking at a footbridge over a stream, which is behind the trees.

10 responses to “Fungus ladder

    • The hard contest crayons are a good outdoor tool. They’re not bulky, I can get a good range in a tiny tin. On rough paper, I draw both dry or wet the paper selectively and drag the crayon lightly so it’s taken selectively by the wet areas. I’ve worked over them in watercolour also at times and they work as a resist and counter colour to the wash.

      • Thanks for the tips – I can’t wait to try this out. It would really be something different for me when drawing outdoors. I usually do watercolour sketch, sometimes with pen.

  1. Pingback: A Charcoal and Pastel Sketch - Margaret Hall Fine Art

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