March for Gaza

Like countless others across the world, I mourn the many people brutally murdered by Hamas three weeks ago.

Yesterday, along with hundreds of thousands of others in London, I marched for Palestine, to desperately urge that our democratic leaders pressure Israel now for a ceasefire and lifting of the siege on Gaza.

With decades of isolation and deprivation, now under almost unprecedented bombardment, with civil infrastructure destroyed, with forced movement of populace and without fuel, food, and safe water, Palestinians in Gaza are imminently facing mass deaths. These are approaching 8000 in three weeks from munitions (40% of them children). However, without ceasefire and lifting of the siege, the killing, from infectious and water-borne disease, from starvation, from untreated injury and illness, and then finally from dehydration, will rise exponentially from tens to hundreds of thousands of people, or maybe more.

If this proceeds, what is unfolding amounts to genocide. Even now this can be stopped under pressure from democratic nations allied to Israel. This is on us to grieve with citizens of Israel and Gaza, and demand of our elected representatives clear-sightedness, moral leadership and urgency, that this imminent mass killing is averted.

In the UK we can write to our MP.
Email your MP: Take action to stop the assault on Gaza

History of Palestine and Israel
BBC Radio 4 – Understand

Links to donate and help
Major UK charities open Israel and Gaza fundraising appeals (
How to help victims of the Israel-Hamas war : NPR