Various sketches ending in irony

These first few were made in Bannau Brycheiniog, Cymru where we stayed for a family wedding.

I had an odd idea of stage scenery in drawing this next one.

This was a fast face painting that I latterly drew over.

These next are sketches of Bronze Age objects from Mesopotamia in the British Museum.

This bronze bust is a modern sculpture and stood in the centre of a room of distorting mirrors in the Royal Academy’s Entangled Pasts, 1768–now: Art, Colonialism and Change exhibition.

This last sketch was done sitting on a wall overlooking Victoria Embankment Gardens, looking at fellow protesters resting after the march for liberation, justice and a ceasefire in Palestine. The memorial was unfamiliar to me. A search revealed it commemorates the Chindit guerrilla forces serving during WW2. Unbeknownst to me at the time, or to those pro-Palestinian protesters taking their ease by the obelisk, it also commemorates Major General Orde Wingate. An ardent Christian Zionist, Wingate had previously set up the “Special Night Squads” for the British Protectorate in Palestine in the 1930s that carried out terrorist actions of appalling brutality against indigenous Arabs. He is credited as the founder, teacher and mentor of the Israeli Defense Force, referenced on this very memorial.

5 responses to “Various sketches ending in irony

  1. Fabulous sketches in Bannau Brycheiniog. The last one places the blame fairly and squarely where it should be, with the British establishment. Their corruption and brutality is still echoing through the generations.

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