Cultivation on ash

In arid sub tropical terrain, moisture collects in pits dug and walled in the volcanic ash.  In each hollow, a vine is planted.

For this I threw watercolour at the page, creating the sky, crude green pyramids and a pink and brown ground.  When dry, I drew in with charcoal and chalk to define the landscape.  A bit of white and black gouache was used to create the stronger contrasts.

I have taken much inspiration from this recently formed and dynamic terrain.

4 responses to “Cultivation on ash

    • Thanks. The earlier post called “volcanic landscapes” includes a sketch done on site showing a landscape pocked by these dew-catching pits. That sketch is a bit rough (especially the sky) but I like it for the memories of painting it. It is framed above my work station. I have been planning for ages to do a big piece showing that.
      The first time I went to Lanzarote I was stunned. It is so different to anything I have seen before.
      I appreciate your comments.

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